what to expect
When you arrive our Dream Team and Pastoral Care Team will be ready to great you. They’re easy to spot as the ones wearing their smiles and name tags or lanyards, ready to greet you and point you in the right direction. The lobby is not only the place to get your questions answered, but it’s the hot spot where you’ll meet new friends.
If you have children to check in or have questions about anything, stop at the Info Desk and they will help you with whatever you need. More information on the the Children's Ministry can be found HERE.
Our Sunday worship services begin with an energetic and engaging worship experience.
During this time, feel free to sit, stand, clap, or lift your hands. Whatever worship looks like
for you, know that your expression is welcomed as you connect with God in a deeper way.
The teaching portion of our service is rooted in Biblical truth and aims to be relevant and
applicable to your everyday life. No matter who’s teaching, you can rest assured that it
will be an uplifting, captivating and straightforward message!
Once service is over, we invite you to meet some of our team in the lobby. We’d love the
opportunity to connect with you and answer any questions you may have about connecting
to our community. If you need prayer for any reason, you can make your way down to the
front of the auditorium, where our Prayer Team is ready and waiting to pray with you.
If you are new please fill out a Connect Card here and indicate if you would like someone
to reach out to you or would like to be added to our weekly newsletter email list.